Wednesday, March 25, 2015

a breakthrough…...

"the pathway back 4" 8.5"x8.5" on Canson

I think I may have made a breakthrough on my painting funk. I continued to push myself with painting the pathways. But I wasn't happy with how my paintings were turning out. I would have this image in my head, but just could not get it down on the paper. Thank goodness it is only paper and not terribly expensive! I bought some Canson paper in hemp and moonstone and tried working on these. Frustrated, I thought, what can i do ……. so I just sat down while watching TV and pulled out my sketch book, black pen and some favorite pathway photos(not necessarily my own) and just drew freely, not worrying about how they turned out. It felt good.

the sketch I chose to work from

I used the Canson hemp paper and gave the sketch I chose a try. I tried to relax and think about getting across the image in my head. I came pretty close. The colors and mood made me feel good. So I'm going to continue on my pathway…...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

the pathway back part 2..

"pathway back two" 9"x12" on Uart

  I spent a lot of time last night looking at other artist's work who inspire me. I don't think I am out of painting funk yet, but I am determined to spend time in my studio and work through this. It's just paper and if it's that bad I can just toss it or brush it out, spray it and start over.  It's pouring rain today, so it's a good day to be in my studio. I have some beautiful photos from my recent trip to Gibbs Garden. I decided to go through and find at least one that I could work with. 

photo from Gibbs Garden

I chose this one. It needed simplifying and I thought the creek could become a path ( yes…. the pathway back to my creative side!) I did some sketches to simplify the landscape and then did a watercolor underpainting.

watercolor underpainting

I struggled with this painting, brushed out areas, sprayed and kept working on it. I thought about Karen Margulis' recent blog about letting the painting work for you and that's exactly what I did. Eventually it came together. This year I have decided to really challenge myself as an artist. I think I am just focusing too much on all my goals. I need to just let myself paint and I will get back to where I want to be.

Friday, March 20, 2015

the pathway back….

"the pathway back" 5"x7" study on  hemp Canson

As artists, we all go through periods when we just are not feeling it. I have been in a funk for the last week or so. I sit and look though my reference photos and nothing seems to inspire me. I even made a recent trip to Gibbs Garden where I am usually inspired. There were literally over 10 million daffodils in bloom.

Gibbs Garden this week

I came home feeling uninspired to paint. I WANT to paint! I NEED to paint. It's a big part of my daily activities. I needed to find a pathway back to my creative side. So I got on the internet and searched for photos that might be an inspiration. That was when it clicked!  "PATHWAY"…… I searched for photos of pathways and found several that I felt I could work with. I know…..not my own photo….but I thought I could challenge myself with color. Spring is here, it excites me and I thought I could make the paintings more expressive of my feelings.

the reference photos

I decided to challenge myself more, with a paper that I am determined to get a good painting on. Canson Mi-Tientes in hemp and moonstone. 

5.5"x5.5" study on moonstone Canson

This was the first one I did and it showed more of the realistic color. The next one I pushed it with the color and working on trying to get the right values.

5.5"x5.5" study on moonstone Canson

I am feeling better now that I am on the pathway back……..

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Part 2 teepee project

teepee #1 14"x14" on Uart 500 paper

My brother in law and his wife finally decided on two plains Indian teepee's from the four studies I showed them.  We decided on a square format, hanging 2 side by side.  After doing the studies and working out the colors, the paintings came together quickly. 

progression shots teepee #1

Here are some progression shots of teepee #1.  I did a dry underpainting with nupastels and brushed it in with foam pipe( a trick Karen Margulis taught me). I had thought that I would add some ochres to sky, to connect it with the ground. But when I got it on there, I decided against it and brushed it out. 

teepee #2 14"x14" on Uart 500 paper

Teepee #2 is my personal favorite. I loved painting in that beautiful sky and tied it in with the teepees.

Here they are side by side. I'm excited to see how they frame them. I do hope they enjoy them.