Tuesday, March 28, 2017

What to do with small scraps of pastel paper

"hazy day" 4"x12" pastel on Uart 400

 I have not been very committed to posting on my blog this last month. I have been focused on trying to paint daily,  draw in my sketchbook daily and working on setting up an exhibition of my paintings at the frame shop where I work. ( more info on this to follow)
I recently came across a live video by Bethany Carter Fields. In her video she showed what she does with her scraps of pastel paper. Of course I love her pastel paintings! But what a great idea!  I was so inspired!! Pastel sanded papers can be very expensive. I hate to waste any bit of it, even washing off unsuccessful paintings and reusing the paper. I had quite a bit of UART sanded paper scraps in 400 and 500 grit and decided to put them to use.  

This was the first one I did. 4"x10". I decided to work with some of my favorite reference photos that I have painted from before.  I started with an  underpainting of a blue/violet Nupastel with an alcohol wash on all the paintings. I really like blocking in the painting this way. Working this small, it's important not to get caught up in the detail of what's in the photo. For me , it's more about capturing the essence of what attracted me to the scene.  Doing these small paintings forces me to look at what is really important.  Hopefully doing these small paintings will help me transfer those same ideas to a larger painting - a direction I am trying to go with my current work. It's so easy to get caught up in the details and before you know, the painting becomes overworked. 
Here are a few more of the small paintings. I spent 2 days on these. I'm thinking about framing some of them to have in my exhibition. 
"Susan's sunset" 4"x12"
"wildflower field" 4"x6"

"marsh sunrise" 4"x5"

 I work at The Frame Up II in Marietta GA, a few days a week, and the owner graciously lets me hang my paintings in her shop.  We have decided to do an open house and exhibition of my paintings. We are busy cleaning up the shop and framing many of my paintings . If you live near Marietta GA, please stop by Saturday, May 6th 2-5 pm