Saturday, July 29, 2017

cloud patrol

"doors of heaven" 12"x16" pastel on Uart 320 grit paper

Psalm 78:23
Yet He commanded the clouds above
And opened the doors of heaven

My favorite subject to paint - next to the oceanside- is the sky. When in doubt of what to paint, I always get inspiration from the sky. It's a place where I feel close to God. I like to reference my sky paintings with a biblical scripture and pull the title from that. I feel that I can pay tribute to God by painting His beautiful skies. Who knows - maybe I will get cloud patrol duty when it is my time to pass - WOW - how much fun would that be!
It was a beautiful summer day today. The sky so blue and filled with big puffy clouds. I couldn't resist not painting it! I found two  brand new boxes of Mt. Vision pastels in my studio that I had forgotten  about..... Terry Ludwig pastels are my "go to" pastels - so I thought it would be fun to break in these new boxes.

The colors were perfect for my sky painting. 

At the pastel convention in Albuquerque, I had purchased a new set of Art Graf water soluble Taylor squares in primary colors and pulled them out for the underpainting.

I used alcohol, instead of water, to brush them into the Uart 320 grit paper, so the drying time would be faster.

Look at all the wonderful drips - perfect for the sky!

From there I started laying in the Mt. Vision pastels. The large sticks were perfect for putting in the first layers of pastel. Then I added in my Terry Ludwig pastel sky sets with the Mt. Vision pastels to further define the clouds.
Feeling blessed to have my artistic talent, a way to express myself.