Sunday, September 15, 2019

“I am surrounded by You” 18”x12” pastel on Uart 320

It has been quite some time since I have posted on my blog. My new life has created new patterns for me, but I am not giving up on my painting ! Less time for painting with a full time job..... anyway I was inspired to paint this today and made a point of taking time in my studio space. I recently went up to Blue Ridge GA and the lake was just beautiful.... the end of the summer. Soon all the leaves will be changing colors ! I’ve had a song on my mind by Michael W. Smith - Surrounded (Fight my Battles) , been singing it in my head for days and it just seemed to inspire me to do this painting. I am so very grateful for God’s grace, the beauty He created, and my gift for painting. 
Here is my  reference photo that I used for the painting.
I have been having a lot fun playing with underpainting and texture for my pastel paintings.
Here is how I started.  I like the rougher grades of pastel paper and used Uart 320 . I then toned the whole sheet with ArtGraf . It is water soluble and also works with rubbing alcohol. First I used a bristle brush and scumbled  some of the areas with pumice gel. Then I went back with rubbing alcohol  and brush and blended the rest in. The next photos are some progress shots.

Some news.... I have been working on a website! I hope to have it completed by the end of this month. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you.
I hope my painting brings you joy . Blessings