Friday, November 24, 2017

sky play time

"sky #6" pastel on gatorboard 8"x8"

"Sometimes I go about pitying myself
And all the while I am being carried across the sky
By beautiful clouds"
Ojibway Indian saying 

I have been having fun with painting the sky. I had some leftover gator board from another project and decided I shouldn't waste the pieces I had left over. I don't have a lot of studio time because I'm working now, so I just wanted to do some quick paintings and have fun. 

I brushed on some beige acrylic paint and let it dry. Then I brushed on some pumice gel with a lot of texture ( photo to left). When that was dry, I took some neocolor water soluble sticks and did an underpainting letting the colors drip and blend right(photo to right). When that was dry I added pastel and just used my imagination to paint the sky. I didn't spend more than 20 minutes on each one applying the pastel.
Here are a few more examples of what I painted.

"sky #1"  8"x10"

"sky #2" 8"x10"

"sky #3" 8"x10"

"sky #4" 8"x8"

"sky # 5" 8"x8"

comments welcome, which one is your favorite?
