Monday, May 2, 2016

April's paintings and sketchbook

last sketch for the month of april

The month of April, I felt like I was in a slump. I was not connecting or feeling inspired . But I reminded myself of my goals for the year to do the daily paintings and sketches and pushed myself to accomplish something. After gathering my work for the month together in the grids , I felt much better about my accomplishments.
the paintings don't fit exactly, so this just gives you a suggestion. You can see that the spring season had arrived and I really had fun painting the flowers.

I tried some different surfaces for painting, using mat board coved with clear gesso and fine pumice gel. The last 2 paintings on the right of the bottom grid are with this surface. It allowed me to play and not worry about wasting a good piece of Uart sanded paper. The iris painting on the top left was my last painting for the month. 

from my sketch book.
I can't say enough about keeping a sketch book. I like to use pencil and black pen and some times add some watercolor. I missed a few days but I put time aside each day to just sketch , some drawings are great and some not so, but I know my drawing is improving. Some sketches I used for paintings.

 Gail Sibley, an artist I follow on Facebook, had done some blind contour drawings. I was intrigued and remembered doing them in college! It's where you look at something but don't look on the paper you are drawing the image of. You really have to think about where things are in relation to other things. It was fun! I tried a self portrait and one from my courtyard garden.

 I was asked to show my work in the Whimsical Wares Art and Gift Show again, local to where I live. I'm excited to say that I sold 7 paintings! It's always good to get affirmation…… So I move on to the month of May. I'm taking a 3 day workshop with Richard McKinley!