Friday, October 23, 2020

Exploring my imagination

“into the light” 12” x18 pastel on Uart 320

I feel very fortunate to live with in a few miles of a lake with walking trails. Going there allows me to get away from all the current happenings and catch my breath. I was drawn down a path off the the walking trail where the light was coming behind the trees and illuminating the ground and leaves on the trees. We are in the month of October and typically would be seeing the autumn colors - but everything is still very green.

 A few photos walking off the trail.

I could only imagine what this scene would look like with the autumn colors....
Autumn is my favorite season - the angle of the sun , the crisp air, the changing of colors and the anticipation of the restful winter months. So I decided to use my photo references and paint what I thought it would look like in the height of autumn color - thinking about the color in the light and in’s the shadows. Just exploring the possibilities. 
I started with toning the Uart 320  sanded paper with ArtGraf and brushing it in with alcohol. Next I layer in all the trees in a  dark purple black pastel . From there I just played with the color - brighter colors in the light and muted colors in the shadows. 

I very excited to say that I have SOLD the painting !  I will be running prints, so please be sure to check out my website BMH fine art. 
As always , comments are welcome. 
creating connection