Sunday, January 8, 2017

about my pathway paintings

9"x12" pastel
I thought I would group together my favorite pathway paintings and write a little bit about this theme.  It captures the eye and brings you into the painting. The above painting I did from a reference photo taken in CT at a vineyard. It was a beautiful October day and the vines were bright with yellows and oranges. 
12"x16" pastel
This is from a reference photo from a favorite spot in my bother-in-laws beautiful garden. I always walk there when I visit, going up the stairs or down...... I did this painting at a Richard McKinley workshop where I received a wealth of information and inspiration.

12"x16" pastel
This painting is from Edisto Island SC. We were lucky enough to get a rental right on the beach. This is the pathway we walked every day to get down to the beach. I was fortunate enough to have had this painting juried into a pastel art show.

9"x12" pastel
 Another painting of that Edisto pathway......

12"x16" pastel
This painting is from a reference photo I took while driving around with my sister in CT. I made her stop and go back for the shot. I was so intrigued by the way the sky and clouds met the pathway on the ground. Which way do you see it? Sky to pathway or pathway to sky?

9"x12" pastel
Another vineyard painting with its rows of vines bringing you into the painting. This one from a borrowed reference photo of my sister while she was in Walla Walla WA

10"x10" pastel
This painting is from Edisto Island SC. As I was walking out from these trees, the painting below depicts what I saw. I stood there and took photos from both directions. The sun had just risen and the marsh was aglow with gold!. The road took you to the beach..... but the bugs were so bad I couldn't make the walking trip! 

12"x16" pastel

12"x16" pastel
Two paths merge briefly......

12"x16" pastel
On one of my autumn walks....... join me....

9"x12" pastel
This is at park that is very close to my home. Sometimes when I need solitude, this is where I can go. Follow me down the pathway....


9"x12" pastel
This painting and the one above are paintings that I did intuitively. I had no plan, I just picked up the pastel sticks and painted what I felt.... can you tell I was in a somber mood? The pathways emerged in both these paintings.....

12"x16" pastel 
This is my most recent pathway painting. I have painted it before.... it is from a reference photo I took while I was at Gibbs Garden  GA in the wildflower fields walking with a close friend. The pathway drew me in.......where am I headed, what is around the corner?

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