“seasons of life” 12”x18” pastel on Uart320
I sat up late last night writing down my thoughts for this blog post. I recently moved. Trying to get settled into my new home and working full time has not given me much time to set up my new studio space and painting. But once I laid out my pastels on the table , I knew it was time to focus on my painting. It had been 3 months since I had picked up a pastel stick.
Some of my pastels
BOOM - along comes COVID-19 everything changes, I am laid off temporarily from my job. The world is in pandemic, the news, the sickness and loss of loved ones, people and businesses failing financially - FEAR. I feel myself pivoting into a new season. As my pastor, Jody Ray, says in his book, Pivot, “ Pivot moments occur when you recognize there is more to a situation than what you can see. They happen when you believe you have a future, despite what your present reality might be...they happen when you don’t allow your fears to paralyze you and you don’t let worries weigh you down”. I am reminded of Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. As a Christian - I let go of my fears and trust in God. He has prepared a journey for me, a change in my season.
My sister has been living in Newburyport MA on Plum Island. She recently shared some photos with me. I don’t use other people’s photos for my work unless they are commissioned. But these photos called out to me! The path -the journey. The change of season from winter to spring - new life. The sky - for the artist in me. I have been to Plum Island, painted there, the connection was strong. I needed to paint !

Here are some progress photos of the painting. After not painting for several months, I felt rusty. I took my time feeling my way with my pastels and the texture of the paper. I added some pumice gel to areas where I wanted more texture and toned areas with pastel and alcohol wash for the underpainting. I love the rough surface which creates more depth . I wanted this painting to be more thoughtful, moody. Eventually it came together. Appropriately I titled it “seasons of life”. I hope you connect with my painting. I pray that you come through this pandemic into a new season of hope - more thoughtful and fearless.
As always , your comments are welcome.
Creating connection.