Monday, September 5, 2016

Walla Walla WA

9"x12" pastel on Pastel Premier Italian clay 320

My sister went out to Walla Walla, WA this past week for some vacation time.  She texted me some photos and that was the spark to start a frenzy of painting for 2 days. I so wished I was there with her!  But I would have to rely on her photos for inspiration to paint. My sister knows what I like to paint, so she kept texting me photos.  Once I started painting I couldn't stop and did 5 paintings in the 2 days. 
This was actually the first painting. I had a smaller 8"x10" piece of the Pastel Premier italian clay 320. I am really liking this paper. I don't have to start with an underpainting because the paper already has a neutral putty color. It has a lot of texture and will take a lot of pastel layers. I turned on some music, I just wanted to start painting! This first painting I did quickly.  One of the vineyards she visited.

I decided to stick with the same paper for the series of paintings. This one is also 8"x10". I really had fun with the grasses. My sister tells me there are wheat fields everywhere, and the texted photos kept coming.  The color of the golden wheat was just beautiful. They had harvested early from all the rain they had , so much of it was cut. 

 I was now ready for a larger one. This one is 12"x16". I decided on a reference photo of some of the uncut wheat. Always good to practice painting the grasses. I had to tell myself to stop!
The fourth painting is one on the top. The structures standing starkly in the wheat fields where great. I think this is my favorite painting of the series.

For the final painting, I went back to the vineyard photos. This one is 9"x12", still on the italian clay paper. It was a cloudy day, the colors were cooler , so I pulled out more blue greens and neutral colors. I changed the perspective some to give the painting better composition. I feel like I want to walk into that vineyard. 
Thanks to my sister for sharing her wonderful photos with me. I'm gifting her the first two 8"x10" paintings and the other three will be available in my upcoming shows.
Art For the Park, Marietta GA November 2-3
Whimsical Wares Art and Gift Show, Marietta GA November 9-13
Vickery Village Artists Market, Cumming GA December 2-3

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