Friday, July 22, 2016

my thoughts on sky painting….

"field day" 12"x16" pastel on  Uart 400 toned with oil stain of alizarin crimson and paynes gray

Does the pathway lead you to the sky or does the sky lead you to the pathway inward? What is your perspective?  The sky - each day we are blessed with it's ever changing beauty. I am thankful for each new day and all it has to bring.

various pastels from my reference photos taken at different times of the day

9"x12" pastel on Pastel Premier italian clay. 

Sunrise at Edisto Island SC. We rose early to catch the sunrise….. if you have not done this , it is a must for your "to do" list. The first cast of light as it hits the morning atmosphere. A favorite time of the day for me for photo taking with the soft edges of the atmosphere….

12"x16" pastel on Pastel Premier 320 with watercolor underpainting 

There is so much to learn about the clouds and atmosphere. Having an understanding of this really helps me to capture what I see when I paint. My reference photo was taken in the late afternoon - the sky was filled with cumulus clouds and the sky , that perfect blue.

14"x14" pastel on repurposed Uart 500

Oh the sunset! The end of the day. The colors can be brilliant, richer and warmer. This painting is from a reference photo my cousin took. She lives on Black Lake in upper Michigan and is fortunate to see the sunset almost every evening.
In August, I will be taking a workshop with Karen Margulis on painting the sky. I am so fortunate to live close to Karen! I hope to bring my sky paintings to the next level, showing more movement and expression.
To be added to my "to do" list - to paint the night sky and take a workshop with Stan Sperlack ( whose sky paintings I really admire). Hope you have enjoyed my sky paintings .

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